Japan is FINE!
★2011/03/21 01:37

Are you leaving Japan too icon:h_hatena04

Are you asking your family or friends who are in Japan to leave icon:h_hatena04

If yes, why icon:h_hatena04

Ionizing radiation is leaking from the Nuclear Power Planticon:mark3_sign01 – that’s the reason!!

Oo, that’s scary..
Everybody knows, ionizing radiation is hazardous. It may even cause death.

Did you know, it takes a very Very VERY large amount of radiation to kill a live being?

As for Fukushima Nuclear Plant crisis, the amount of radiation that leaks out is only danger for the distance of 30km from the plant. Other than that, everywhere in Japan are safeicon:mark3_sign01 

Fukushima radiation levels

At one point, radiation for Tokyo has increased mSv0.8 more than usual from the leaking, but this amount is not at all a number that would affect any health problem.

Why ill-threat radiation?

Whereas everything are quite the same.

For example, “smoking”.

Cigarette is not good for health. Moreover a second-hand smoker.
Over-taking them could be hazardous.

People has too lil’ knowledge on radiation..

In fact, instead of radiation leaking, people should start “No Smoking”.

Even though it is fine here in Japan, the overseas media has been making a big fuss by exaggerating the facts and tell stories which are not existed.

That is cruel and I hate it!!

Didn’t everyone been saying “Help Japan”, “Pray for Japan”?

Being panic doesn’t helpicon:mark3_sign01

Being the one who makes everyone panic doesn’t helpicon:mark3_sign03

Stop working and leave Japan out of nothing doesn’t help eithericon:mark3_sign01

Cz any of that would only cause nightmare of a economy crisis.. icon:face3_kao27 

Please mean it when you say “Help Japan” icon:h_bikkuri04 and spread the right facts!

Japan will be even more advance, even more stronger when Japan overcomes the current difficultiesicon:mark3_sign03 It always does icon:face3_kao06


See how all media from all over the world says about Japan..icon:a2_down too sad, too bad 

Stop the hysteria!! icon:a2_down

If you do not really know what’s happening on the Nuclear Power Plant in Fukushima, watch this! A very funny but true and positive facts that describes the current condition ! Love this icon:h_heart05
Japan is still the best icon:body3_te02

* Sorry, I put the wrong one without the translation. Please see this for English icon:face3_kao20 (21 March – update)

21 March 2011 | No Comments » |

Category:harupi episodes

SUPERMOON so bright~! – 19 March 2011
★2011/03/19 23:33

Full moonThe MOONicon:mark3_sign01icon:w_6_fullmoon

And today’s a SUPERMOON dayicon:mark3_sign03 
– which a full moon or new moon at it’s closest approach to the Earth icon:w_6_newmoonicon:p_futabaicon:w_6_fullmoon
19 March 2011, the closest Supermoon since 1992.

A lot of rumors saying that natural disasters occurred when Supermoon is approaching.. some has said, the M9.1 Japan earthquake on the 11 March 2011 was influenced by this Supermoon (not proven scientifically)..
It sounded super for me.. maybe because of that, it then named as S U P E R M O O N icon:body_a_biceps

Check Wikipedia to know more about SUPERMOON  icon:f_been

I thought I had to see the Supermoonicon:mark3_sign01

and I saw iticon:mark3_sign03

First impression, Supermoon is so bright icon:h_kira01icon:mark3_sign03 instead of big.. icon:face3_kao17

I thought it would be BIG seriously.. icon:face3_kao18  hmm..maybe not from here.. icon:face3_kao21

Supermoon from backyard on 19 March 2011
Supermoon from backyard on 19 March 2011
Though, it was really really BRIGHT~ icon:w_6_fullmoonicon:h_kira02

Go out and have a look at the SUPERMOON icon:mark3_sign03

How big is it from your placeicon:mark3_sign02 Is it bright tooicon:mark3_sign02

19 March 2011 | Comments Closed |

Category:harupi episodes

Big Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan 東北地方太平洋沖地震 11.03.2011
★2011/03/17 02:20

Everyone knows by now that a 9.1 magnitude earthquake hit the Pacific Ocean so close to Northeastern of Japan followed by a tremendous tsunami causing a massive devastation to Japan on the 11 March 2011.

Within a day..not even a day, towns near the shore of Northeastern Japan turn into a disaster..

Natori, Miyagi prefecture
Natori, Miyagi Prefecture

Every pictures that I’ve seen from all the medias is just unbelievable.
They just look so unreal. They are like scenes from movies like “2012” or “The Independence day”..

How can you imagine a town can just be gone in minutes??

Natori, Miyagi prefecture after tsunami stroke on 11.3.2011

Natori, Miyagi Prefecture after the Tsunami swept through..
(Kyodo News / Associated Press)

And they are not toys or miniatures that you usually see from above..

Light planes and vehicles swept by the tsunami

Sendai Airport in Northern Japan

(Kyodo News / Associated Press)

They are real.
One of the world worst disaster just destroyed part of Japan merciless..

Houses swept by tsunami in Natori, Miyagi Prefecture

Tsunami hit Natori, Miyagi Prefecture 
(Reuters / Kyodo)

Damaged town of Yamada, Iwate Prefecture from a tsunami hit

 Fully damaged town of Yamada, Iwate Prefecture
(YOMIURI SHIMBUN / AFP / Getty Images)

All the cities which were hit by the Tsunami, yes.. all gone in a sweep.

Yuriage, Sendai

Mouseover for before and after 


Yuriage in Natori

I am not able to provide 100% informations over here in Japan, but I hope people would now more about the exact facts of what’s happening. Gain more knowledge and know what to do, how to react, how to support, how to help, how to not go negative.

Being panic, can’t help..
but will make things worst..

We wish not to have worst economy crisis after this tragedy..


Websites regarding the Earthquake and Tsunami that struck Japan on
11 March 2011


(newest on date 16 March 2011)


CNN news
Agency: Damaged container may be causing smoke, radiation spike

The New York Times
Japan Says 2nd Reactor May Have Ruptured With Radioactive Release


boston.com – Massive earthqukes hits Japan

the Atlantic – Earthquakes in Japn

the Alantic – JapanEarthquakes Aftermath

Google map

ABC News – Japan Earthquake befre and after

Check the upcoming weather, climate and Earthquake information! Be UPDATE of the condition!! – includes WARNINGS & ADVISORIES of Tsunami

気象庁 – Japan Meteorological Agency 

Yahoo Japan info on scheduled blackout


Yahoo Information –
How to reduce electric power and to prepare for the planned power outage

Google access to Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Crisis

Google Crisis Response


Japan Red Cross Society

American Red Cross



Save the Children


EARTHQUAKE INFORMATION for foreigners in Japan!!!

Tohoku area pacific offshore earthquake multi-language support center

English, Bahasa Indonesia, Español, Português, Tagalog, Tiếng Việt, ภาษาไทย, 中文, 한글, Easy Japanese

Local Japan Emergency dials:
171 + 1 + line phone number to leave a message
171 + 2 + line phone number to listen to the message
Phone numbers to consult about missing persons: (Japanese language)
Iwate: 0120-801-471
Miyagi: 022-221-2000
Fukushima: 0120-510-186 / 090-8424-4207 / 090-8424-4208


Everybody please keep safe, be positive, be alert and be GOOD.
Japan is strong and will rise again.
When Japan regain and recovered from what have been damaged from the current disaster, Japan is ready to move another step higher for their community. 

I have faith for Japan.

I love Japan.


17 March 2011 | 1 Comment » |

Category:harupi episodes

Another 1 long-time-no-see update..
★2011/02/24 23:47


I don’t know why do I always leave my blog untouched for like weeks..

In my head, I always so want to blog about any circumstances that I’m having, so want to blog about the snow, so want to blog about my Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Hong Kong, Taiwan backpacking trip months ago..

Just…so hard to lift up my brain to start writing something..

After work, I cook. Then I wash.

I make videos on YouTube.

I do laundry at times.

I go skiing or snowboarding.

And of course at some days, my off days, I do have extra time to at least do something on my blog, but instead, I facebook. I watch anime. I nap.

Why not just terminating the blog since I’m having a hard time updating it?!


One thing, I don’t hate blogging. In my head, I always thinking of something new to blog. I want to blog. Just that it’s hard to kick off writing it..

Anyway, I will be blogging about my backpacking trip starting from tomorrow! for REAL!

Can’t lag anymore!! Can’t wait to show-off all my pictures and experiences!!!! icon:face_self-conscious_smileicon:h_heart04

One photo for a warm-up! icon:face3_kao07 icon:a2_downicon:a2_downicon:a2_down
Saigon city

Saigon City

24 February 2011 | No Comments » |

Category:harupi episodes

Believe it or not?!
★2010/12/17 23:50

icon:an_usagi 日本語 icon:an_usagi

My video got nominated by YouTube Japan icon:mark3_sign03icon:mark3_sign03icon:mark3_sign03 icon:face_self-conscious_smile icon:h_kira02icon:a2_upicon:a2_upicon:a2_up

Okay..I don’t believe it myself still..

But it’s real icon:mark3_sign03 icon:face3_kao09icon:h_kira01

Out of million potential videos in Japanese, my video got nominated! icon:o_v_movieicon:h_kira01 by the all-known YouTube! 

Though I still need time to digest this fact, *too excited* like… why meicon:h_hatena04 icon:face2_catfaceicon:h_sweat02

I hope to have everyone who loves my stuffs could give some support by voting my nominated video.. icon:face3_kao07icon:h_heart09

icon:w_7_star This is it! The one that has been nominated icon:h_heart09 A really short video just wanting to introduce the snow being sooooo powder-ish ! icon:w_4_snowicon:h_kira02icon:h_kira02icon:h_kira02icon:h_kira02icon:h_kira02icon:h_kira02

Being nominated, I hope I win icon:o1_crown

If I won, I will be making more videos on snow!icon:w_4_snow coz it’s winter now and I’m here againicon:mark3_sign03

If I did not, I will be making more and more and MORE videos till I get nominated again and WONicon:mark3_sign03 icon:a2_upicon:face4_kao-a18 haha

So, please Vote ne~~~~! icon:face_self-conscious_smileicon:h_heart09

Go to the Official YouTube Video Awards Japan 2010 channel,

icon:body3_te03 click on to the *Clapping hand* that says Good on top! icon:body2_a_good  
YouTube Video Awards Japan 2010 - harupiLike this!! icon:a2_up

But remember to scroll to harupi before you click to vote… icon:face3_kao17

Arigato~~ icon:h_heart08

Cheers icon:f_x_baricon:h_heart04

17 December 2010 | 1 Comment » |

Category:harupi episodes

Never be Without GREAT Instant Coffee
★2010/05/08 03:10

icon:an_usagi 日本語 icon:an_usagi

I was selected by STARBUCKSicon:mark3_sign03icon:face_self-conscious_smileicon:h_kira02 


20100506-starbucks-L.jpg…just to blog about their New Instant Coffee from STARBUCKS VIA. icon:face3_kao20

Nothing to be proud of…but still happy to be selectedicon:mark3_sign01icon:face4_kao-a04 

So now I had 2 packets of Starbucks ever FIRST made instant coffee to tryicon:mark3_sign01icon:w_5_l_thundericon:f_x_coffeicon:h_kira02  


1 packet (x3) of Italian Roast and 1 packet (x3) of Colombia.

Both were incredibly so-taste like fresh brewed coffeeicon:h_kira02icon:mark3_sign03icon:face4_kao-a17

Was really surprised that an instant coffee made from grind coffee beans and yet not tasting *instant* plus, it melts leaving nothing behind under the cup of coffee…

Isn’t this first ever Instant-Brewed-Coffee created? icon:an_c_hiyokoicon:h_hatena02

This is what STARBUCKS says:icon:body2_ear

This is not instant coffee as you know it. This is rich, flavorful Starbucks® coffee in an instant.

Starbucks has found a way to offer a truly great cup of coffee that you can prepare by just adding water. Other instant coffees taste flat and lifeless. Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew is different – it’s full-bodied and flavorful, just like the Starbucks® coffee you know and love.

It’s made with the highest-quality, ethically sourced 100% arabica beans. The magic is in a proprietary, all-natural process that we spent years perfecting. We microgrind the coffee in a way that preserves all of their essential oils and flavor. No other coffee company takes this step, and it makes all the difference.

Website: http://www.starbucks.com/coffee/starbucks-via-instant-coffee

Just amazing but of course the price is also double triple the price of normal instant coffee..icon:face3_kao20

(Maybe still not available in Malaysia)

In Japan,

icon:f_x_coffe Normal instant coffee : 20yen/packet (1 drink)
icon:f_x_coffe02 Starbucks Via Instant Coffee: 100yen/packet (1drink)

5 TIMESicon:mark3_sign03icon:o_dollaricon:o_dollaricon:o_dollaricon:o_dollaricon:o_dollar

Can imagine how different it would be icon:f_been

Colombia (medium) is more for general coffee drinkers coz it tastes smoother icon:h_hatena01 tasted regular with great aroma icon:f_x_coffe03icon:h_heart09


Italian Roast (Extra bold), I guess it is more for mania coffee drinkers…taste stronger and bold icon:f_x_coffe03icon:h_heart08

Recommended for all coffee lovers icon:h_heart06 who can’t live without the aroma of good coffee wherever they are~



icon:h_heart3 coffee at WORK.


icon:h_heart3 coffee while relaxing at the BEACH.


icon:h_heart3 coffee after a day in the SNOW.


icon:h_heart3 coffee to bring while up in the snow mountain SKIING.


icon:h_heart3 coffee maybe after a hard day practicing SNOWBOARDING perhaps.

20100506-swim.jpgicon:h_heart3 coffee to chill down after a day under the sun SWIMMING.


icon:h_heart3 coffee while having SNACKS.


icon:h_heart3 feeling like a cup of coffee particularly when not into SWEETSWEET stuffs at the moment.

20100506-fries.jpgicon:h_heart3 coffee after having oily stuffs like FRIES.

icon:h_heart3 DREAM for coffee.

icon:h_heart3 coffee to help digesting when having a BIG MEAL.


icon:h_heart3 Bring in the aroma while DATING.

Anywhere, Everywhere, with EASY true coffee~  icon:f_x_coffe03icon:h_kira02

*Copied from Starbucks Japan official website*icon:a2_up2
My Version icon:a2_up2icon:an_mushi  

The original Version icon:a2_down2


Just had fun editing photos for this entry. icon:face_shishishi I’m not a coffee addict, but love the scent and aroma of good coffee.

Personally, I really think that this new product of Starbucks Via is a great creation. icon:body2_a_goodicon:h_shine  

I’m a tea-lover icon:f_x_teaicon:h_heart08

08 May 2010 | 3 Comments » |

Category:harupi episodes

I got a BLOGGIE !
★2010/02/20 12:00

icon:an_usagi 日本語 icon:an_usagi


20100219_bloggie.jpgI got a Bloggieicon:mark3_sign03icon:face_self-conscious_smileicon:h_kira02icon:o_v_movie For your info, bloggie is a new video camera from Sony.

Bloggie is for BLOGGERS~icon:mark3_sign03icon:face_self-conscious_smile


The main big reason why I got a bloggie was for the 360° lensicon:mark3_sign03

There are 2 types..

MHS-PM5 and MHS-PM5K , and I din’t know..icon:face3_kao21

icon:o_v_movie MHS-PM5K  
  icon:w_7_star comes with the 360° lens
  icon:w_7_star comes with 4GB memory card

icon:o_v_movie MHS-PM5  

  icon:an_hone comes with nothing except the camera itself


And the one I bought is the one, comes with nothing except the camera itself..”


I saw the price was cheaper from the US Amazon compare to all shops in Japan..

And know I know why it is cheaper.. icon:face3_kao13 

How stupid..icon:face3_kao15

However, MHS-PM5 is not even in the market in Japan..icon:an_c_hiyoko so no worries on getting the wrong one in Japan..icon:face4_kao-a19 

Oh SONY~icon:mark3_sign01 Pleeeeaassse do sell me the 360° lens seperately~~ icon:mark3_sign03icon:face3_kao21

Anyhow, bloggie is still bloggie icon:h_kira02

It still has it’s value even without the lens..(at the moment)

Bloggie is LIGHTSMALL, and EASY to take along in your pocket or in your small small bagicon:mark3_sign01

A blogger always self-taking, a blogger bring along his/her camera 24 hours to everywhere, and a blogger uploads the datas to the web – and therefore, we don’t need it to be in super high-resolution, we don’t need to compress it~ haha

Great gadget for a BLOGGER, I reckonicon:mark3_sign01icon:face_self-conscious_smile

hoho~ icon:face3_kao07

Anyway, they don’t seem to have a bloggie with the 360° lens attached in the US Amazon.

It’s like totally different from Japan, where in Japan, they don’t even have a bloggie without a 360° lens..icon:face3_kao17

Which means the market between America and Japan is totally different.

America thinks that 360° lens should be optional.

Japan thinks that 360° lens is essential.


If you’re not in Japan, get bloggie with 360°lens at SonyStyleicon:face3_kao06

and bloggie without 360° lens at icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:a2_down2icon:face3_kao07

20 February 2010 | 4 Comments » |

Category:harupi episodes

Non-allergic CUTE pierce !
★2010/02/15 09:18

icon:an_usagi 日本語 icon:an_usagi

20100214-candy-bunny-pierce-2.jpgI Love this Bunny and Lollipop piercing icon:h_heart09 They’re cuute~icon:h_noteicon:face_self-conscious_smile

Lollipop bought from Malaysia, One Utama – Momoe shop icon:h_shine
Bunny bought from Japan, Claire’s icon:p_hana-ani01

I like the top piercing but it has been giving me a lot of real hard time icon:face3_kao26

It’s still swelling even though I had it pierced more than a year agoicon:mark3_sign01icon:face3_kao21

Every time I tried to change to another ear stud or ring, oooh! it just gone red, painful, and bloodyicon:mark3_sign03icon:face3_kao13


So I guess I need to leave it alone until it recovers fully..

NO TOUCHING anymoreicon:mark3_sign03 (how am I going to clean it without getting the stud or ring off my ears?icon:face3_kao19)

Anyway, yeah, not to touch it so much should help in recoveries!!

But the thing is, I get bored easily having to put on the same one all the time icon:face3_kao17

So I need to get one which is all simple where I can wear it for all occasions.

I need to get one which is at the same time cute and stunning.

I need to get one that catches people eyes easily~ icon:face3_kao22icon:h_kira02

And I need to get one which is made of non-allergic material,

such as,

Gold 18k
Gold 24k
Surgical Stainless

It was hard to see one that I’ve feel on it..

I’ve look through so many until I found this site → green piercing icon:h_shine

Finally, a shop that has all that I feel so want to buy so much~icon:mark3_sign01icon:face_self-conscious_smileicon:h_kira02 not easy at all to find a shop that fits you!!

I bought 2 titan-made ones icon:face3_kao06 icon:h_heart09 to have a trial~

icon:no01 Acrylic ball / Barbell 
I got PINK icon:h_heart08 icon:face_self-conscious_smile

icon:no02 Purple Titan Beads Ring 

            20100214-blue-titan.jpg     20100214-green-titan.jpg

I like all 3 colors! icon:h_heart06
I might get all 3 of them later but for now, I got the purple oneicon:mark3_sign01icon:h_heart04

I Love this SHOP icon:h_heart09 icon:face3_kao06 

15 February 2010 | No Comments » |

Category:harupi episodes

Jagabee VS Jagapokkuru
★2010/02/01 09:55

icon:an_usagi 日本語 icon:an_usagi


Jagabee VS Jagapokkuru

Which is more oishii~icon:h_hatena04 icon:face2_deliciousicon:h_kira02 Which is bettericon:h_hatena04 icon:face2_delicious

I think both taste quite the same..since both made from potatoes~icon:face3_kao07

Just that maybe Jagabee is harder and Jagapokkuru is softer..icon:face3_kao20

And they both have another similar pointicon:h_bikkuri04

Which is..

they’re both FATTY~icon:face3_kao15

18g 100kcalicon:mark3_sign03

Don’t eat toooo much yah~icon:face3_kao09 Be slim be pretty~ icon:h_heart08 But enjoy the snack too icon:h_heart09 haha

20100131_jagapokkuru_2shotMe and Jagapokkuru~icon:h_note3

01 February 2010 | No Comments » |

Category:harupi episodes

Say baibai to “Around the world Buyer”
★2010/02/01 00:11


I applied for a job as a World’s Buyer.

This job requires votes in order to get into top 20 to win an interview.

1month plus..of asking people, friends, family to vote..

I was really really happy that a lot of them, my beloved, dearest people around me supportedicon:mark3_sign03icon:h_heart04 

But I think I din’t try hard enough to attracts more supporter by PR-ing myself  icon:an_c_hiyoko

20100129_calamel_197Votes stopped at 197..icon:face3_kao26

But yeah, I still I got 197 out of 5000++icon:mark3_sign03

Still proud of iticon:mark3_sign01 Hahaicon:face_self-conscious_smile

Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooo much my MOM, Yapi, and allllll my friends that voted foooooor meicon:h_noteicon:h_heart06icon:h_heart06icon:h_heart06icon:h_heart06icon:h_heart06


Btw, you can see top 20 from the banner link below icon:face3_kao23

01 February 2010 | No Comments » |

Category:harupi episodes
