The spring before blossoming~★2012/04/29 22:00
Went for a date to Mitsuike Park (三ツ池公園) in Kanagawa, a very nice big park nearby, erm..around 15~20 minutes from home

Can see pinkish blossom buds on the trees~

Great weather on that day temperature getting warmer, not so colorful yet with flowers but everything seems to get lively
though still a lil’ bit cold when the wind blows..
Lots of black? ducks on the lake
And they’re actually looking quite handsome on a closer look
Planned to bring some bento lunch for a picnic at the park..
But didn’t bother at last which we ended up eating yakisoba (instant noodles) from a shop there

Whenever we went for a date, we usually snap lots of two-shot photos on our own making funny faces and so..
we call this “Siu-Siu” (笑笑) which means, smile-smile in Cantonese
At first, “Siu-Siu” was just a phrase like saying “Say Chesse” just for us to get ready before the click. From then on, we started referring “Siu-Siu” as our two-shot where ever we go
Tee hee
I was trying to get a lovely kiss shot, and he kept making faces..
at last kinda..
Love this
29 April 2012 | 2 Comments » |
Category:harupi episodes
Convenient baby apps on my iPhone :)★2012/04/14 23:26
The Smart Phone generation now helps a lot with great apps
Been searching for a good and convenient baby/pregnancy apps, tried out a few and finally decided on using “Ninpu memo” (妊婦メモ). Though this is only available in Japanese, this app is cute and easy . (scroll down to see another app that I’m using – that’s in English

Before the main menu, this will showed up everyday to tell you the days of your pregnancy.
Love the special messages on some occasion like when you’re entering a new week or when there’s only 150 days left to meet your baby
The calendar with icons.
アイコンを自由に付けられるカレンダー アイコンの数はそこまでないけど。。
Fun to note down everything that never happened before
Some wonderful feeling
The movement
The rapid growth
Weight graph. Diet controlling
Standard people ( BMI 18.5 ~ 25.0) has to gain approximately 7~12kgs throughout the whole pregnancy..
Slim people ( < BMI 18.5) should gain around 9~12kgs,
fatter people ( > BMI 25.0) should gain around 5kgs or less accordingly..
(according to a book I was reading – *anyhow, in every condition you have to check with your doc!)
My case, I think I’ll have to gain around 8kgs..
ヤセの人(BMI 18.5 未満)は、9~12kg 増やす
フツーの人(BMI 18.5 以上 25.0未満)は、7~12kg 増やす
ヒマンの人(BMI 25.0 以上)は、5kg くらい読んでる本による情報だけで、なんでも自分のドクターに確認してね
私は、だいたい8kg の増加を目指そうかな~
Weight (kg) 体重 ÷ Height (m) 身長 ÷ Height (m) 身長 = Your BMI
Details and information on changes to the mother, to the baby, and advices according to different levels of pregnancy


The app
Google play:

Besides that, I’m using another app in English too just for the reading and info
The calendar
Everyday there will be a piece to read
Very nice with detailed information and images about the baby throughout your pregnancy
The details
The image
And most of all, the movies provided
Can just imagine how’s my lil’-big-boss doing inside watching these movies~
Movies are available to watch here too though
The app
Google play:
More of everything, just go to their original official site

There’s another app – “BabyBump” recommended by friend, Joane

The app
Google play:
14 April 2012 | No Comments » |
Category:my little-big-boss
Morning sickness craving for food back home!★2012/04/11 23:55
My morning sickness last for 2 or 3 weeks .
Severe hunger before sleep and waking up in the morning.
It was bad feeling hungry with no appetite .
Dizziness No way staying in front of the computer even for only 5 minutes..
Books were my best remedies during this period
In short, I spent the whole day lying down on my comfort rug with a fluffy beans bag – read, sleep, eat, read, sleep..
Not at all in the mood to do anything..
Nevertheless, I think I am considered not the serious case .
No big deal with smell .
But just NO radish NO yogurt
NO grapefruit juice
which I usually consume before I got hired by my-lil’-big-boss..
and not much rice..
At this period, I was thinking so much of chu cheong fun, wantan mee, laksa, char siu pau, all the food back in Malaysia so much
In Japan, what I could get and craved for was,

My homemade DIMSUM
first time making this on my microwave with steaming
All I was craving for were Asian food South east Asian or Chinese
Though I ate very little and very slow.. 1kg~2kg weight loss
It’s okay for a little weight loss during this period though no worries
And so, meet my-lil’-big-boss again – growing so much in 4 weeks


12 weeks 6 days
Size head to bottom: around 6.7cm
Every time the doc would shows us the baby heart beat
very touched to see it beating healthily, very happy to see him/her growing fine

Head, legs, brain, back bone, all so clear to be seen

11 April 2012 | 2 Comments » |
Category:my little-big-boss
My Big Boss★2012/04/10 22:45

Meet my lil’ big BOSS~

Size: around 1cm


2.5 months ago, some days in mid January, I was feeling a bit sick and nausea..
Yappi smiled and said could be..a baby
I let it be for a few days and see how it goes..
Didn’t want to be overwhelmed before the truth! Can’t be happy if it was just a flu..
On 21 January 2012, I decided to check with a pregnancy test from the drugstore..
Not even more than 5 secs, the line appeared

We were so so so excited
Still Yappi said, some times, this might not be accurate in some cases coz of hormone imbalance.
“Not to be too excited before the official check..”
And that was how it started A lil’
is inside me~
I am officially hired by this lil’ big boss for a lifetime

2nd prenatal check up on 4 February 2012
9 weeks 1 day
Size: around 2cm
Doc showed me it’s heart-beat
Was so happy and touched

10 April 2012 | No Comments » |
Category:my little-big-boss