Morning sickness craving for food back home!
★2012/04/11 23:55

My morning sickness last for 2 or 3 weeks icon:face3_kao11.

Severe hunger before sleep and waking up in the morning.
It was bad feeling hungry with no appetite icon:face3_kao21.

Dizzinessicon:mark3_sign01 No way staying in front of the computer even for only 5 minutes..icon:face3_kao19
Books were my best remedies during this period icon:o_pa_bookicon:h_kira01

In short, I spent the whole day lying down on my comfort rug with a fluffy beans bag – read, sleep, eat, read, sleep..icon:face2_catface
Not at all in the mood to do anything..icon:face3_kao19

Nevertheless, I think I am considered not the serious case icon:face3_kao20.

No big deal with smell icon:face3_kao20.

But just NO radishicon:mark3_sign01 NO yogurticon:mark3_sign01 NO grapefruit juiceicon:mark3_sign01 which I usually consume before I got hired by my-lil’-big-boss..icon:face3_kao19   and not much rice..

At this period, I was thinking so much of chu cheong fun, wantan mee, laksa, char siu pau, all the food back in Malaysia so much icon:face3_kao21 icon:face3_kao21 icon:face3_kao21 and LYCHEEicon:mark3_sign01

In Japan, what I could get and craved for was,

Gyoza GYOZAicon:mark3_sign01

Vietnam PhoVietnam PHOicon:mark3_sign01

Homemade dimsumMy homemade DIMSUMicon:mark3_sign01icon:face3_kao09 first time making this on my microwave with steamingicon:h_shine

All I was craving for were Asian foodicon:mark3_sign01 South east Asian or Chineseicon:mark3_sign03

Though I ate very little and very slow.. 1kg~2kg weight loss icon:face_shout
It’s okay for a little weight loss during this period though icon:body_a_good no worries icon:face3_kao01

And so, meet my-lil’-big-boss again – growing so much in 4 weeks icon:face_self-conscious_smileicon:h_heart04

Prenatal check-up baby 12 weeks
3rd prenatal check up on 1 March 2012
12 weeks 6 days
Size head to bottom: around 6.7cm

icon:p_futaba Every time the doc would shows us the baby heart beat icon:h_heart02 very touched to see it beating healthily, very happy to see him/her growing fine icon:face_shyicon:h_heart08

Prenatal check-up illustration 12 weeks

Love this shot icon:face_self-conscious_smile

Head, legs, brain, back bone, all so clear to be seen icon:o_pb_searchicon:h_kira01


11 April 2012 | 2 Comments » |

Category:my little-big-boss

My Big Boss
★2012/04/10 22:45

After months of jobless days, I finally got hiredicon:mark3_sign01

Meet my lil’ big BOSS~icon:face3_kao07icon:h_kira01


My lil' Big Boss 7 weeks

1st prenatal check up on 23 January 2012
7 weeks 1 day
Size: around 1cm

Prenatal check-up baby 7 weeks

Still like a bean icon:f_been

2.5 months ago, some days in mid January, I was feeling a bit sick and nausea..
Yappi smiled and said could be..a baby icon:h_bikkuri04

I let it be for a few days and see how it goes..
Didn’t want to be overwhelmed before the truth! Can’t be happy if it was just a flu..icon:face3_kao17

On 21 January 2012, I decided to check with a pregnancy test from the drugstore..

Not even more than 5 secs, the line appeared icon:face3_kao20

Pregnancy test Check One

icon:h_heart06 POSITIVE icon:h_heart06

We were so so so excited icon:face3_kao22

Still Yappi said, some times, this might not be accurate in some cases coz of hormone imbalance.

“Not to be too excited before the official check..”

And that was how it started icon:face_self-conscious_smileicon:h_kira01 A lil’ icon:face3_kao25 is inside me~ icon:face_self-conscious_smileicon:h_kira01

I am officially hired by this lil’ big boss for a lifetime icon:h_heart09


My lil' Big Boss 9 weeks2nd prenatal check up on 4 February 2012
9 weeks 1 day
Size: around 2cm

icon:p_futaba Doc showed me it’s heart-beaticon:h_heart02 Was so happy and touched icon:face_self-conscious_smileicon:h_kira02

Prenatal check-up illustration 9 weeks

Growing healthily and twice bigger icon:face3_kao06

Don’t really know which part is which part from the scan actually, butreferring on the source I’m reading, on 9 weeks, hands and legs aregetting visible icon:face3_kao06


10 April 2012 | No Comments » |

Category:my little-big-boss
