A happy 100 days old!
★2012/12/19 21:13

Sleeping-art Yuto 100 days old (寝相アート 100日歳) 1My little-big-boss turned 100 days old mark3_sign03.gif last week face2_happy02.gif haha

Normally in Japan, they usually having a Weaning Ceremony, (お食い初め – Okuizome in Japanese) in which a baby is first fed with solid food when he/she turns 100 days old. Just pretending to feed of course!

A set of meal is prepared and the parents or the grandparents will pretend to feed the baby on wishing the baby a life of abundant food without hunger and a life of good health. Though varies according to region, this set of meal is prepared with 1 soup 3 dishes (一汁三菜) in tradition. A whole fish (normally sea bream, 鯛) dish, red beans rice (赤飯), pickles, soup, etc.. representing the set.

Okuizome set
And, this is how a professional Okuizome set looks like h_shine.gif

See more pics on Okuizome!!

Okuizome is quite a festive day where families and friends gather together to celebrate. Kinda like a full-moon party celebrating for a full 1 month old baby in Chinese tradition.

Some makes it a big day while some makes it small.  

While for my little-big-boss, this is how we made it a day~h_heart08.gif


Sleeping-art Okuizome (寝相アート - お食い初め)

h_kira01.gifAn Okuizome seth_kira01.gif

p_hana-ani04.gifp_hana-ani03.gifp_hana-ani01.gif A happy 100 days old p_hana-ani01.gifp_hana-ani03.gifp_hana-ani04.gif

19 December 2012 | 2 Comments » |

Category:my little-big-boss



  1. Hahaha so cute! Omedetou 🙂

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