Maharajah curry at Boat Quay
★2011/09/05 02:10

Marina Bay Sands – The night Sky Parkprevious post

Last day, the 4th day in Singapore icon:mark3_sign01icon:face3_kao07 .. I’m taking ages to blog just on Singapore..icon:face3_kao20

Marina Bay Sands - morning makeup on the bed

Waking up and making up on the bed icon:o1_rouge icon:face3_kao09icon:h_heart04

And then we were just wandering around until the time to depart.. where we accidentally came to a place called Boat Quay.

Boat Quay

Boat Quat lil' pedestrian street with shops

There’s a street with pretty shop-houses along the river at Boat Quay~icon:ya_y_yachticon:h_kira02

And it’s lunch-time icon:f_z_restauranticon:h_kira02

Waiting for lunch at Maharajah restaurant along Boat Quay

Waiting for lunch icon:face3_kao06icon:f_z_spoon01

Lassi drink at Maharajah restaurant, Boat Quay

Had lassi while waiting..
When one having a lassi drink, you should know what we are going to have for lunch icon:face3_kao07icon:f_z_spoon01icon:h_shine


Nan at Maharajah restaurant, Boat Quay


Curry for naan at Maharajah restaurant, Boat Quay

Curry icon:h_shine

Creamy curry for naan at Maharajah restaurant, Boat Quay

And CURRY~icon:h_kira01

I forgot what curry though..icon:face3_kao17

Maharajah Restaurant at Boat Quay

Curry at Maharajahicon:mark3_sign01an Indian restaurant at Boat Quay~icon:f_z_spoon01icon:h_kira02icon:ya_y_yacht

The boss of Maharajah icon:mark3_sign03 He has the look of a boss~icon:face4_kao-a07 He was great icon:h_kira01


Two icon:h_heart04lovey-dovey pigeonsicon:h_heart04 at Boat Quay.

Pigeons at Boat Quay
Pigeons love at Boat Quay
Just happened to be there to snap this icon:face3_kao06icon:h_heart04

Panorama Boat Quay~

View of Singapore from Boat Quay

Click to enlarge icon:body3_te03

This is my last post for Singapore on this trip.

2 days at Geylang, a nostalgia place which I enjoyed quite much though this place not too popular among my friends icon:face3_kao17. All budget hotels gathered around Geylang icon:face3_kao06

Then, we had Megazip at Sentosa Island. That was great~icon:face_self-conscious_smile All the way from the mountain to the ocean icon:face_self-conscious_smile

Stayed 1 night at Marina Bay Sands hotel (the main purpose on this trip), mostly just for it’s infinity pool → the sky poolicon:mark3_sign01 
Had a romantic night icon:h_heart09 too at the sky park icon:face_shyicon:h_heart08

Overall, Singapore is a city with lightsicon:o_flair very happening and fun icon:face3_kao06

05 September 2011 | 1 Comment » |

Category:2010 Asia backpaking Singapore



  1. Ben says:

    :D:D:D:D:D i LOL when i saw the pigeons

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