“I am ONE! I am going out to see the world!”★2013/10/24 16:21
1 year old birthday Part 1 ▶ My little-big-boss is ONE
1 year old birthday Part 2 ▶ My little-big-boss is ONE – The CAKE
Baby Yuto sleeping-art series ベビー悠人の寝相アートの巻
Little-big-boss sleeping-art on his birthday~
“I am 1 year old!”
“I am big now!”
“I am going out to see the world~”
”世界を旅してくるぅ~、いってきます~” (ノ∇・、)
1 year old..
That was fast.. 。・゚・(ノε`)・゚・。
Baby-Yuto sleeping-art series 悠人の寝相アートの巻
⑤ Have a doughnut ◎ ドーナツをどうぞ
④ Out to the sea, out for a catch!
③ UFO Catcher, Catch the baby~!
② Hibernating baby came to wake
① A happy 100 days old
24 October 2013 | No Comments » |
Category:my little-big-boss
My little-big-boss is ONE – The CAKE★2013/10/19 01:47
Part 1 → My little-big-boss is ONE
We actually had the big “happy 1st birthday” celebration on the eve, and a small one on the real day (2nd September 2013), just because I am not satisfied with the first cake I made .
I re-challenged myself to make the birthday cake again
なぜかというと、イブに作ったケーキはやっぱり理想な感じじゃなかったから、再チャレンジのためです ヽ(*´^`)ノ
And so, this is it
Non-sugar yogurt cake topping with kiwi fruits and baby biscuits for the sides
Size around 10~12cm in diameter
Now, this is more like a cake *very satisfied*
Cake-party time
Sing the birthday song, blow the candle~
10 of 10 people would say they look alike
Eat the cake! Can easily pull out the baby biscuits at the side
Sour face after eating the kiwi on top
He is growing so fast.. he is going to have his own life, own family, own dream that I am already missing him..
Even so, grow up healthy and strong, baby!
And yeah, back to the cake, we enjoyed the cake quite much~
Pull out the biscuits, scoop the yogurt with it and nom~
引っ張って、すくって、 もぐもぐ
He was born on the 2nd September 2012, in this whole 1 year, he achieved first rolling over, first sitting up, first crawling, first standing up, first grabbing, first eating solid..and first many more.
On 14 September 2013, he had his first step He walked
See video その動画 FIRST step, the second and the third
First “everything” is really really really touching
My first baby boss, love you so much
19 October 2013 | No Comments » |
Category:my little-big-boss
My little-big-boss is ONE★2013/10/10 23:34
My little-big-boss, baby Yuto is ONE
うちの Yuto は 1歳 になりました~♪
.. since a month ago on the 2nd of September 2013!
We celebrated on birthday’s eve, no other guests but the 3 of us conquering the living room as our party space
特に大きくはしてないけど、バースデイ・イブにとりあえず 3人 でわいわいパーティをしました~
Session 1 of the day
Decorations time * デコ
First, making the wall blue representing the sky with some clouds
(The wallpaper was big papers I got from the 100yen shop. The clouds are made out from felt sheet, also from the 100yen shop
Put up the “Happy 1st Birthday” banner and the whale
(I created the banner *feeling proud* Nothing I searched from either online or shop front has what I wanted, so I designed it, printed it, and ribbon-ed it
. The whale balloon was pretty nice, I like
Next, the blue and white heart-shaped balloons all over!
最後にハート型の風船をばーっと一面に したら、出来上がり
テーマは 、”海” です☆
Just these 3 steps and it kinda lightened up my living room with a party-mood now .
This would be Baby Yuto’s 1st birthday party theme as,
Session 2 of the day
Testing time * テスト
Testing with baby boss Yuto in
Baby boss Yuto:
Baby boss Yuto: Whatever, just play~!
Session 3 of the day
Pictures time! * 本番!
All set for pictures
Look at the party hat I customized these party hats I got from the 100yen shop with one star on each
but it ended up looking more like we were from somewhere outer space..
Lots of tries to get the best shot
Session 4 of the day
1st birthday dinner time * ディナータイム
1st Birthday dinner time~!
Just made a few simple dishes for the day
Tomato with mozzarella cheese top with black pepper.
Mini tomato + camembert cheese + cucumber
The caterpillar plate
! made only for the birthday boy
Yuto のバースデイ食、おかゆでいも虫!!!
The head: Porridge with little white fishes.
The green body: Porridge with spinach.
The orange body: Porridge with carrot.
The eyes and mouth: Seaweed.
The cheeks: Ketchup.
The horn? and legs: Hijiki (a type of sea vege)
And broccoli as the trees , flower-shaped carrots as the flowers
Baby boss Yuto ate the whole caterpillar
Session 5 of the day
Eve cake time * イブケーキ
The birthday’s eve cake
Made from yogurt + banana with boro baby biscuits topping and marshmallow for the side..
not exactly what I’ve imagined to make..too flat.. It was not very successful cake but tasted not that bad
By the way, I ordered the “Happy 1st Birthday Yuto” white choc cat plate on top from my favorite doughnut’s shop
I made this blue crown hat too
バースデイの王冠は手作り だけど、適当だったから、一回きり
Session 6 of the day
Present time! * プレゼント
Since there were no other guests but us, Baby boss Yuto had only 2 sets of
from grandparents
Books from us
All in hard-cover, hard-pages
I guess he likes them.
He would go and take all the books out flip the pages a few times everyday~
Next, the soft toy bowling set
from lil’-uncle (my lil’ bro) and wife
Session 7 of the day
Bowling time! * ボーリングタイム
Baby boss Yuto: Bowling I hit them with this ball
Baby boss Yuto: I’d rather use my hand, a lot easier
Baby boss Yuto: Surrender yourself
Each of you
The end of the day * おしまい
Confession: What I actually thought for the theme was “sky blue”. When the decorations are all up, it was like, “Oh wow, the ocean!”
Noticed Yuto’s hair kinda similar to the the balloon whale water fountain on the wall?
そして、偶然だけど、Yuto のヘアがデコのくじらとマッチしてるから、なんかよかった
。・゚・ ・゚・。
/ ̄ ̄\
/ 。___)
/ / /
)ヽ/とノ /つ
10 October 2013 | 4 Comments » |
Category:my little-big-boss