Spring in Japan = Sakura★2013/04/15 22:58
Oh yes! Spring in Japan = Sakura season!
Everywhere you go, you’d see Sakura
Whitish, pinkish trees all along the street, or just one in the middle of the greens symbolizing “I am the Angel”
or a garden which is not so green but pink!
Just like the one we went The Shinjuku-gyoen (新宿御苑)
Roof of Sakura~
(Someiyoshino, 染井吉野)
(Someiyoshino, 染井吉野)
Imagine white pinkish tree in a garden! Doesn’t it makes you feel like a wonderland some may dream of?
There are various types of Sakura. The very common one, the white pinkish sakura that you always see is called Someiyoshino (染井吉野). The roof of sakura in the 1st and 2nd pic is Someiyoshino and this type is always grown along at the side of a street or river shining all over
While the above sakura is all PINK!, I think this is Yokohamahizakura (横浜緋桜).
Nice staying alone in the middle type .
Sakura grow straight from the trunk too!
Sakura snapshots with little-big-boss
Little-big-boss first time O-hanami, 初お花見
“Mommy.. if you keep on like this, daddy is going to be very jealous..
Yeah, somehow Yappi and I didn’t take any pics together on this event..
But they did~
Little-big-boss and Big-big-boss~
He was happy after all
Slept half of the trip waking up fresh again to enjoy whatever that is happening.
Whereas for us, we forgot to bring our baby carrier and we haven’t got a stroller yet..which ended up that we have to carry him barely the whole trip *sore hand*
Anyway, this is when we decided to get a stroller at last, yay!
We reached here early in the morning, when the place was still very quite tranquil and peaceful, breezy and calming
At noon..
This is the behind-the-scene of every beautiful sakura picture you see that your friend might have been uploaded on Facebook, etc these days. haha
And by noon, we went home
Ooh, I’ve got something to continue which is totally has nothing to do with the sakura’s story above!
I found something very funny and ridiculous that I wanted to write it down here.
The latest Japanese language trend!!
This trend started this year and it’s a HIT on the internet in Japan.
They are words indicating when you are angry. The angrier you are, the funnier it goes..
Angry L1 – Oko (came from the word “okoru (怒る)” which means angry
Angry L2 – Geki (very) Oko (angry)
Angry L3 – Geki (very) Oko (angry) Punpun (steam up) Maru
Angry L4 – Muka (frustrated) Chakka (set fire) Faiyaa (fire)
Angry L5 – Kamu Chakka (set fire) Inferunooooou (inferno)
Angry L6 – Geki (very) Oko (angry) Stikku (stick) Fainariariti (final reality) Punpun (steam up) Doriimu (dream)
And this is how you use them,
“Oko na no?” (Are you angry?)
“My bicycle got stolen, Geki Oko Punpun Maru ٩(๑•ૅہ•๑)!!”
and so on..
しかもたまに使われてる。。 感染される~!!!!
15 April 2013 | No Comments » |