Happy New Year at grandparents’
★2016/02/08 00:37

Since everyone is back home celebrating Chinese New Year,
and posting pictures that is making me feel so left out..face3_kao26.gif

I am going to post my New Year story insteadmark3_sign03.gifface3_kao15.gif


We celebrated 2016 Happy New Year back at Big-big-boss hometown in Morioka, Iwate.

I was actually expected more snow and to play in the snow!
But too bad that this season “snow” is not visiting enough..

Even ski resorts were not opening coz of the lack of snow..(except in Hokkaido I guess..)

Anyways, Little-big-boss expectation was something else.

The bullet trainmark3_sign03.gifya_s_bullettrain.gifh_kira02.gifya_s_shinkansen.gifh_kira02.gif

He was literally very interested in trains (especially where we have lots of trains travelling experience and trains watching anywhere we go in Japan face3_kao07.gif that boosted his interest). He even remembers the train names quite well face2_catface.gif

Seeing him so excited telling stories about trains, and had really been a very good boy (yes, he never nag (as in the spoilt one), never fight back when friends took his toys and so), we can’t resist our own desire to upgrade his toys..train set.. haha← gonna tell this toy’s story later face3_kao07.gif

So, we’d been telling Little-big-boss that we are going to ride on E5 series Hayabusa (E5系 はやぶさ),the bullet train to grandpa and grandma’s house!

He got so excited! face2_happy02.gif
On Tokaido Line train to Tokyo stationWe started our train ride on Nambu Line, then change to Tokaido Line to Tokyo station ya_t_train.gif

Seeing the real Hayabusa the bullet train for the first time!And finally Hayabusa, the bullet trainmark3_sign01.gifface2_lovely.gif
(The white with pink line bullet train is E4 series Max Toki, just happened to be there on the opposite track face3_kao07.gif)

On E5 series Hayabusa bullet train to Morioka stationAround 2 hours ride on Hayabusa ya_s_bullettrain.gif and we had our leisure time looking out the window with on and off views of the snow towns and mountains w_4_snow.gif

On E5 series Hayabusa bullet train to Morioka stationThe train was fast! ya_s_bullettrain.gifw_5_l_thunder.gif
We can see snow covering the town and completely dry after a few minutes in a different town.
Yeah, on and off.
At this time, I really was hoping Morioka (our destination) is going to have more snow!! w_4_snowman.gifw_4_snowman.gifw_4_snowman.gifw_4_snowman.gifw_4_snowman.gifw_4_snowman.gif

Swing at a nearby parkOur wish was half answered, heavy snow one day before we arrived w_4_snow.gifh_notes.gif
Seriously, the whole while before that, there were no snow piling at all! Which was rare at this time of the year compared to previous years p_futaba.gif
You can see the snow (picture above) is not much at all to cover the ground..face4_kao-a19.gif though it was as cold as ever face3_kao28.gif

Nearby robot playgroundThe Robot playground nearby! w_4_snowman.gif
As cold as it can be, kid still a kid face3_kao20.gif *Don’t really care much as long as they get to play (play=move a lot=warm)
Though the mom was freezing to death..face3_kao28.gif

Excited arriving at grandparents'Little-big-boss was so excited arriving at grandpa and grandma’s house that he just kept running around playing  face2_happy02.gif

Playing daddy's toysBig-big-boss even took out his old toys for Little-big-boss!
One generation gap of toys!face2_catface.gif
We went for an Onsen trip on the 3rd day yb_s_spa.gifface_self-conscious_smile.gif
Onsen is my favorite in winter and specially on a snow land w_4_snow.gifyb_s_spa.gif

Onsen trip - Hotel Shidotaira ホテル志戸平On grandpa’s treat, we got to stay in this wonderful hotel room face3_kao22.gif

Our hotel room ♥We loved this big window h_heart09.gif

Our hotel room viewTrees and a river just right below p_ki.gifw_4_snow.gifh_kira02.gif

Wefie-ing our YukataWe changed to Yukata getting ready for our first soak in the onsen  face3_kao07.gifyb_s_spa.gif

Family onsenCan you imagine how lavish it is to be on a hot spa outside in the snow ! yb_s_spa.gifw_4_snow.gifh_kira02.gif
Best is when it is snowing! w_4_snow.gifh_kira02.gif
Where snow came falling down and melt on your face! face_self-conscious_smile.gif

The yukata ♥Once again, the Yukata~face3_kao09.gif haha

Buffet dinner at the hotelWe had buffet dinner that night face2_delicious.gif

Buffet dinner - Maguro sushi (tuna)He was excited seeing grandpa’s bringing sushi to the table and asked for maguro (tuna) f_x_tea.gifface2_catface.gif
Yeah, he’d been watching some story about maguro recently and that was why he got all so excited face2_coldsweats01.gif

Brushing teeth ready to sleep at the hotelBrushing teeth ready to sleeeeeeep~h_sleepy.gif

The story behind:
We thought of putting Little-big-boss to sleep first (around 7pm), then Big-bog-boss and I planned to go for another onsen bath before bed..

“PLAN FAILED” o_dokuro.gif

Obviously at 7pm! was too early..face2_coldsweats01.gif
Little-big-boss sensed it that we were up to something and wouldn’t want to stay with grandpa and grandma in the room next door..
So no other choice but to tag my little cute Little-big-boss along face3_kao09.gif

Rosy cheeks after onsen ♥“I won” body3_te01.gifface_self-conscious_smile.gifyb_s_spa.gif
We stayed just for a night here though I wished to stay longer face3_kao15.gif
So that we could play in their indoor pool toomark3_sign03.gif

Fun with grandmaEven just for a night, it was a great refreshment with grandpa and grandma together h_notes.gif
Now, we were back home and ready for num_2_two.gifnum_0_zero.gifnum_1_one.gifnum_6_six.gif Happy New Year celebration  h_notes.gif

Happy New Year O-sechi dinner! お節☆On New Year’s eve we had a Japanese style feast! お節 f_z_spoon02.gifface2_delicious.gif

A visit to a nearby temple on New Year dayThe next morning on New Year 1st day, we went to a nearby temple for our first pray, hatsumoude (初詣) face_shy.gif
And had a little snow-playing-time at the Robot playground again w_4_snow.gif

Well, this was how we celebrated New Year peacefully at home with family h_note.gif
Quite a simple one, but a Japanese-style home celebration p_sakura.gif
On the 2nd, we were back in Tokyo.
We were in a rush when heading to the station, too bad didn’t get to take some proper photos with grandpa and grandma..face3_kao21.gif

Back in Tokyo station - Snapshot with Hayate v(^o^)vWe were on E2 series Hayate (E2系 はやて) bullet train back to Tokyo ya_s_bullettrain.gif face3_kao09.gif

Ready to go back to Tokyo on E2 series Hayate bullet trainAll excited getting to ride and meet his loved trains lining up at Tokyo station ya_s_bullettrain.gifya_s_bullettrain.gifya_s_bullettrain.gifya_s_bullettrain.gifya_s_bullettrain.gif

Happy seeing Kagayaki bullet train that just stopped byE7 series Kagayaki (E7系 かがやき)mark3_sign03.gif
Happened to be on the opposite track of our Hayate ya_s_bullettrain.gif face2_smile.gif

Getting pressie from grandpa and grandmaAnd guess what an_mushi.gif All pampered by grandpa and grandma, he got his most wanted toy (at this moment), Plarail train set from Takara Tomy of E5 series Hayabusa and E6 series Komachi connecting bullet train (プラレール E5系とE6系新幹線連結セット) face3_kao20.gif h_shine.gif

You’d be surprised when you see how his train set has expanded..face3_kao20.gifh_shine.gifya_s_bullettrain.gifh_shine.gifya_s_shinkansen.gifh_shine.gifya_t_densya.gifh_shine.gif ← Toy story next round face3_kao07.gif
Anyhow, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all who are celebrating itmark3_sign01.gifface4_kao-a04.gif
May your heart and home overflow with peace, love and joy h_notes.gif
Good luck, good fortune, and good health h_heart04.gif
f_been.gif 20151227~20160102
f_been.gif 3years 3months 26days ~ 4 months 0 days
f_been.gif 3歳 3か月 26日~ 4か月0日

08 February 2016 | No Comments » |

Category:harupi episodes
