Hibernating baby came to wake
★2013/04/05 22:57

w_6_moon3.gif Baby-Yuto sleeping-art series ベビー悠人の寝相アートの巻

All through this winter, little-big-boss was hibernating in his little comfy burrow..


Baby sleeping-art - hibernating baby (寝相アート - 冬眠中)冬眠中のベビー、ただたまに起きて食べる~face2_delicious.gif
Though he is not the type that goes hibernate without waking up for months.
He wakes up sometimes, for food f_z_spoon02.gif

And finally,

it’s SPRING~! p_cherryblossom.gifh_kira01.gif


Baby sleeping-art - hibernating baby waking up (寝相アート - 冬眠から目覚め)冬眠から目覚め (*´0)ゞoO
Uuu~haaa~ (*yawn)


Baby sleeping-art - hibernating baby waking up happy (寝相アート - 冬眠から目覚め、ハッピー!)冬眠から目覚めて、ハッピー♪ヽ(*´∇`*)ノ
Yeah, it’s SPRING! p_hana-ani01.gifp_hana-ani03.gifp_hana-ani04.gif waking up happy p_hana-ani01.gifp_hana-ani03.gifp_hana-ani04.gif   

Gonna start make a movemark3_sign01.gif

Gonna start to feel the breeze outsidemark3_sign01.gif

Gonna start to get some fresh airmark3_sign01.gif

Gonna start to find more foodmark3_sign01.gif

Gonna make a start for a better year mark3_sign03.gif

(The mom is starting to put herself together also after this very lazy winter she had..face3_kao18.gifh_sweat02.gif)

 hibernate theme idea from:

05 April 2013 | No Comments » |

Category:my little-big-boss

A happy 100 days old!
★2012/12/19 21:13

Sleeping-art Yuto 100 days old (寝相アート 100日歳) 1My little-big-boss turned 100 days old mark3_sign03.gif last week face2_happy02.gif haha

Normally in Japan, they usually having a Weaning Ceremony, (お食い初め – Okuizome in Japanese) in which a baby is first fed with solid food when he/she turns 100 days old. Just pretending to feed of course!

A set of meal is prepared and the parents or the grandparents will pretend to feed the baby on wishing the baby a life of abundant food without hunger and a life of good health. Though varies according to region, this set of meal is prepared with 1 soup 3 dishes (一汁三菜) in tradition. A whole fish (normally sea bream, 鯛) dish, red beans rice (赤飯), pickles, soup, etc.. representing the set.

Okuizome set
And, this is how a professional Okuizome set looks like h_shine.gif

See more pics on Okuizome!!

Okuizome is quite a festive day where families and friends gather together to celebrate. Kinda like a full-moon party celebrating for a full 1 month old baby in Chinese tradition.

Some makes it a big day while some makes it small.  

While for my little-big-boss, this is how we made it a day~h_heart08.gif


Sleeping-art Okuizome (寝相アート - お食い初め)

h_kira01.gifAn Okuizome seth_kira01.gif

p_hana-ani04.gifp_hana-ani03.gifp_hana-ani01.gif A happy 100 days old p_hana-ani01.gifp_hana-ani03.gifp_hana-ani04.gif

19 December 2012 | 2 Comments » |

Category:my little-big-boss

38th, 39th prenatal checkup and the NOW!
★2012/11/17 23:48

Smiley little-big-boss in a hooded baby dress with ears
It has been 2 months + 15 days (76 days) since little-big-boss was born! h_heart02.gif

I wanted so much to update his every single cuteness and growth day by day on this blog, but then I was at the same time too into him that I have had no mind in writing anything..face2_catface.gifh_sweat02.gif Now that I really have too! before it went too far and forgetting all the sweetness I had, having little-big-boss in my life from now on and the rest~h_heart09.gif

I need to start where I stopped on my previous post..

still pregnant on 37 weeks tummy..

and 38 weeks little-big-boss in my tummy.. (just for the recordh_sweat02.gif)


Prenatal check-up baby 38 weeks - 113th prenatal checkup on 24 August 2012
38 weeks 0 day
Estimate weight: 2778g
Cervix opening: 2cm dilated

p_futaba.gif The pelvic examination was kinda scary since the last checkup..I mean like I felt the force from the doc whatever she put in to examine..

Prenatal check-up illustration 38 weeks - 1This scan is so clear and this was where I thought his nose looks exactly like Yappi..face2_catface.gif In fact now he is! haha


And the next week, the last prenatal checkup I had!


Prenatal check-up baby 39 weeks14th prenatal checkup on 31 August 2012
39 weeks 0 day
Estimate weight: 3243g
Cervix opening: 3cm dilated

p_futaba.gif 3243g?!! was my first  reaction at this checkup. All this while I thought little-big-boss in my tummy was kinda small on the estimated weight but then all of a sudden, almost 500g were added up compare to the last.. h_hatena04.gif Doc said either the previous estimation or the present one is a little bit out of the calculation..

Whichever the numbers are, they still prove that little-big-boss was safe and well inside my tummy face_shy.gif 

Little-big-boss was out to meet the world 5 days after that~f_been.gifh_kira01.gif

Little-big-boss side faceImagine this is him when he is still inside my tummy h_bikkuri04.gif the same position as the scan above h_bikkuri04.gif
He is out at last mark3_sign03.gif face_self-conscious_smile.gif

Gonna tell the story on his birth later and yes, we were so glad and happy that he came out safe and sound and well and fine face_shy.gifh_heart04.gif


He is, by the way has grown up to look like this a2_down2.gif

73 days old little-big-boss smiling

17 November 2012 | No Comments » |

Category:my little-big-boss

Pregnant husband!
★2012/08/28 23:58

2 weeks ago (11 August 2012), Yappi and I attended a maternity class for parents which was compulsory for those who the father wishes to accompany the wife during labor.

Yappi wishes to stay together and witness little-big-boss coming out to meet the world h_heart08.gif

And so, we signed up for this o_p_pen.gif

Parents maternity class application formThe application form for the class.

In the form, this is the reason we wrote, why we applied for the husband accompany during labor a2_down2.gif
h_heart04_.gif Wife: Because I feel relieved with him at my side.
h_heart04_.gif Husband: Because we are husband and wife.

This class literally telling us what are we going to experience towards labor, during labor and after labor. 

I quite enjoyed this class coz we had Yappi experiencing how a woman feels during pregnancy in the class~face2_smile.gif


Husband experiencing pregnancy 1First, trying on a suit with a big tummy..

Husband experiencing pregnancy 2with breast..face3_kao20.gifh_sweat02.gif

Here, he got to experience the weight of a pregnant woman have to carry and the inconveniences to pick up things from the floor with this tummy~face3_kao07.gif

And then,


Husband trying on a labor chair 1we moved to the labor room, listening to some of the explanation, and Yappi tried getting on to the labor chair..face2_catface.gifh_sweat02.gif

Husband trying on a labor chair 2Only he volunteered to try among all the other couples there when asked..face3_kao20.gif 
He said, “This is the only chance, that’s why!” face2_catface.gif..


So now Yappi is all ready to witness little-big-boss coming out at anytime~ face_self-conscious_smile.gif

Yasu and Haruka on 35 weeks 1 day tummy 1Gets bigger and comes out to meet the worldmark3_sign01.gif 大きくなれ~mark3_sign03.gif 
(35 weeks 1 day tummy)

Yasu and Haruka on 35 weeks 1 day tummy 2 - kissWe love you h_heart08.gif  
(35 weeks 1 day tummy)

Pregnant hubbyWe are ready body3_te02.gif

28 August 2012 | 2 Comments » |

Category:my little-big-boss

4 more weeks! 11th and 12th prenatal checkup
★2012/08/25 00:35

Time seems to be faster since I’ve entered my last trimester of pregnancy face2_catface.gifh_sweat01.gif

My prenatal checkup visit is now on once a week, which means there’s only about 4 weeks left to go face3_kao20.gif



Prenatal check-up baby 36 weeks - 111th prenatal checkup on 10 August 2012
36 weeks 0 day
Estimate weight: 2498g

p_futaba.gif Doc said all good~ body2_a_good.gif

Prenatal check-up illustration 34 weeks - 1
The ever cutest moment I saw on the screen was little-big-boss moving his lips, like as if he is munching something h_heart09.gif Though my hospital does not provide a 3D or 4D scan, I still feel the satisfaction! face3_kao06.gifh_kira01.gif 



Prenatal check-up baby 36 weeks - 211th prenatal checkup on 10 August 2012
36 weeks 0 day

p_futaba.gif The femur bone~h_shine.gif Doc always uses this (femur length) to measure the baby weight f_been.gif

Prenatal check-up illustration 36 weeks - 2Glad to know he is growing gradually and well face_shy.gifh_heart09.gif


1 week later~


Prenatal check-up baby 37 weeks12th prenatal checkup on 17 August 2012
37 weeks 0 day
Estimate weight: 2580g

p_futaba.gif This scan is to check the amount of the amniotic fluid (see the 2 cross mark above). Mine was all good face3_kao06.gif protecting little-big-boss all the way face2_confident.gifh_kira01.gif

I can’t really figure out which part of which of little-big-boss on this scan..face3_kao17.gif

4 more weeks till my due date, and the doc told me my cervix is 1cm opened! an_c_hiyoko.gif 
I was a lil’ bit shocked, but then 1cm opened is normally still far from labor..(still it depends). Anyhow, got to be prepared..face3_kao20.gifh_sweat02.gif


37 weeks 1 day tummy37 weeks 1 day tummy face_self-conscious_smile.gif

Slightly bigger and belly button starting to pop up.. face3_kao07.gif

25 August 2012 | No Comments » |

Category:my little-big-boss

Goodies through my pregnancy
★2012/08/17 01:26

The very first experience through my pregnancy was the excitement of knowing that, 

26 weeks tummy at Ukishima-cho Koen“I AM PREGNANT”mark3_sign03.gifface_self-conscious_smile.gif

I couldn’t believe it when I was proved positive, a life was inside my tummy!
..though back then, little-big-boss was still like-a-bean f_been.gif

It was like, “Wow..me becoming a mom!” h_kira01.gif


Secondly, came the morning sickness experience.. face3_kao19.gif This started before I know I was pregnant.

Luckily it lasted only for 2 weeks after I was proved little-big-boss is inside face3_kao20.gif

I thought morning sickness makes you feel like puking..face2_shock.gif  that’s what usually dramas or movies made a newly pregnant lady do..face3_kao20.gif

For my case, no puking at all body3_te01.gif

During these 2 weeks, I just felt totally dizzy and hated the smell of some raw fish and maybe radish. 
Didn’t feel like eating also.
And, dizzy to the max (just exaggerated) to even spend only 5 mins on the computer..face3_kao19.gif

I usually rest on my fluffy rug with my new beans bag cushion reading these a2_down2.gifa2_down2.gifa2_down2.gif


Harry Potter seriesYes, I just finished reading my last 3 series of  Harry Potter during my morning sickness period face3_kao20.gif I am always not up-to-date but was quite satisfied that I finally completed this Harry Potter storyw_5_l_thunder.gif

Besides that, Yappi introduced me this a2_down2.gif to read..

百鬼夜行抄 (Hyakkiyakoushou)百鬼夜行抄 (Hyakkiyakoushou), a comic-series of ghost story.

Though my mom warnedmark3_sign01.gif me not to read this kind of stories during pregnancy..face3_kao17.gif 
This series are actually nice and not those grostesque scary type of ghost stories at all. It tells more of the mysterious part of Japanese culture and their superstition beliefs o_dokuro.gif I like h_heart09.gif


2 weeks past and I thought I need to learn how to be a “mom” while the baby is still inside my tummy..  

face3_kao17.gif I didn’t know that I needed to consume foods fortified with Folic Acid (green leafy veges and liver usually contains high folic acid) at least 400μg/day. (In fact, a woman who is planning to have a baby should have start consuming more of foods containing acid folic before they conceived..)

face3_kao17.gif I didn’t know how much is an ideal weight to gain during the whole pregnancy..

face3_kao17.gif I didn’t know it is better to sleep on side ways rather than straight facing the ceiling when tummy is bigger, preferably facing left (heart downwards) for better blood circulation..

face3_kao17.gif I didn’t know all the exercises that are advisable to workout for a smoother delivery later..

face3_kao17.gif I didn’t know pregnant woman has higher chance of getting high-blood pressure..*must eat less salt*

face3_kao17.gif I didn’t know pregnant woman has higher chance of getting diabetes, gestational diabetes..*must eat less sugar*

face3_kao17.gif I didn’t know you’d get constipation very easily during pregnancy..*I was okay though body3_te02.gif

face3_kao17.gif I didn’t know etc, etc and etc~

Besides that I have some experienced friends and a sister-in-law who gave me all sorts of advice, I’ve got myself some books in order to gain more knowledge when little-big-boss is growing inside my tummy~face2_catface.gif


Books on pregnancy

Some textbooks from the hospital..a2_down2.gif

Maternity info from the hospital

And some more info stuffs, one nappy sample from the government..a2_down2.gif

Maternity info from the government

In Japan, we have to register to the government once proved pregnant in order to get a record book, “Mother and Child Health Handbook” (母子健康手帳)..a2_down2.gif

Mother and Child Health Handbook, 母子健康手帳This handbook has all the necessary information on pregnancy, procedures that have to be done, and all the regular health check up schedule for a child up to 6 years old. This handbook is compulsory and has to be presented in every checkup.

The government usually pays most (but not all) of the fees of every prenatal checkups. Different city has different rules and amount.

For my place, this handbook came with money coupons and we usually pay on these coupons.

body3_te03.gif Other than this, the government also provides an almost full amount for labor and 1 week admission to a hospital. If you choose a cheaper hospital, you’d get the extra income. If you choose an expensive hospital, you’d have to add more o_dollar.gif to cover up. 

With all these books, I guess I’m pretty knowledgeable on pregnancy now face3_kao20.gif haha


During this whole maternity period, I have this hanging on my bag~h_heart_shake.gif 

Baby inside my tummy, おなかに赤ちゃんがいますCreated by Tamahiyo (magazines and books publisher about pregnancy and babies).

This strap was created for other people to take notice and to care when a pregnant lady is outside alone.
Not everyone noticed especially during the first few months where the tummy is still not obvious.

This strap then got recognized by the government, campaign was launched, idea spread, and everybody knows face3_kao06.gif


And then, I have this supplement to balance up my diet..

Pigeon supplement for maternityAcid folic, iron, 7 types of vitamin B and calcium h_shine.gif 


Next, OIL BALM for bloating tummy!

L'occitane mom and baby balmL’Occitane MOM & BABY BALM

I’ve been using this since the very beginning to prevent pregnancy stretch marks h_shine.gif Though it is not medically proven that stretch mark can be prevented in any method, but stillmark3_sign01.gif 

Most of all, it’s Yappi’s job to put on the balm + massaging after bath and I enjoyed this moment sooooo much h_heart04.gif So gonna miss it..face_shy.gif 

This balm has only one size, small and quite pricey (3,150 yen). Yappi used so much, more than enough at once! He says, “Use more, more moisture, no regrets later on”. And for that, we are now on the 8th one..h_sweat02.gif


Lastly, I have this for my legs!!

Medi Qtto sleeping stockings Scholl Medi Qtto sleeping stockings h_shine.gif Summer limited version h_heart09.gif

I have an uncomfortable legs lately especially since towards my last trimester of pregnancy..

So, Yappi bought me this medical stockings to see if it helps.
We know that during last trimester, it is not a rare thing at all to have a cramp leg or an uncomfortable leg. Blood clots are easier to develop during pregnancy as well.
My hospital recommended this kind of stockings might help and this Medi Qtto sleeping stockings is created for a better blood circulation. Hope it helpsh_shine.gif 

By the way, Yappi loves this stockings a lot when I wear it face3_kao20.gif 
The color and the design makes him feel like I’m a magical girl character in an anime face2_catface.gif


The end. 

And I’m a mom soon~face_self-conscious_smile.gif 

17 August 2012 | No Comments » |

Category:my little-big-boss

Little-big-boss growing and growing! 8th, 9th and 10th prenatal checkup
★2012/08/11 00:29

Checkup scans nowadays are getting hard to figure out which part is which of little-big-boss.. face2_catface.gifh_sweat02.gif


Prenatal check-up baby 30 weeks8th prenatal checkup on 29 June 2012
30 weeks 0 day
Estimate weight: 1400g

p_futaba.gif Did a full screening session for this checkup (2nd time) – just scanning as usual but took a longer time for the doctor to look carefully in every details. All good face3_kao07.gifbody2_a_good.gif 

And I couldn’t figure out what is the scan shown anymore.. face2_despair.gif

I think the doctor told me when we are looking at the screen, but I can’t remember which she was referring to for this scan above.. face3_kao21.gif


And 2 weeks later~


Prenatal check-up baby 32 weeks9th prenatal checkup on 13 July 2012
32 weeks 0 day
Estimate weight: 1828g

p_futaba.gif Little-big-boss weight gained fast in 2 weeks~face3_kao09.gif +400g! And me overall gained 7 kg.. face3_kao20.gif

If I was not wrong, I think this scan was showing the left side of  little-big-boss facing up..face2_confident.gifh_sweat02.gif


2 weeks time is fast..


Prenatal check-up baby 34 weeks10th prenatal checkup on 27 July 2012
34 weeks 0 day
Estimate weight: 2326g 

p_futaba.gif Little-big-boss is in a good condition, good position, and good weight h_heart04.gif 

This time, I KNOW what and which and how is shown on the scan!

Prenatal check-up illustration 34 weeksThis is itmark3_sign01.gifface3_kao07.gif

He was moving his lips like a goldfish here when the doc showed us his face face_self-conscious_smile.gif First time seeing little-big-boss so clearly on the face. Very adorable~ face2_smile.gif haha

Had the 3rd and last blood test on this session..

Maternity blood testBlood still oozing out after hours..face3_kao19.gif sigh


Showing off my tummy~ face_self-conscious_smile.gif
I kinda like and think that it is fun to experience this different shape of my own bodyface3_kao07.gif different visual looking at the mirror~face3_kao09.gif


33 weeks 4 days tummy - 133 weeks 4 days tummy face_self-conscious_smile.gif full body

33 weeks 4 days tummy - 233 weeks 4 days tummy face_self-conscious_smile.gif side

34 weeks 0 day tummy34 weeks 0 day tummy face_self-conscious_smile.gif front

These photos were 1 and a half month to my due date, this tummy considered big or small? face2_catface.gifh_hatena04.gif

11 August 2012 | 2 Comments » |

Category:my little-big-boss

Little-big-boss’s head, foot and hand! 5th, 6th and 7th prenatal checkup
★2012/07/03 01:02

Little-big-boss is so big now that he could hardly squeeze in the scan anymore except partly of his body~ face2_catface.gifh_sweat02.gif


Prenatal check-up baby 21 weeks5th prenatal checkup on 1 May 2012
21 weeks 4 days
Estimate weight: 411g

p_futaba.gif Confirm with the doc once again about the baby sex, and yes, a very high percentage that little-big-boss is a boy~face3_kao25.gifh_shine.gif Now we have to think of a NAMEmark3_sign03.gif face3_kao20.gifh_sweat01.gif

Prenatal check-up illustration 21 weeksHis HEADmark3_sign01.gifface3_kao09.gif

Only the head popping out on this scan face_self-conscious_smile.gif Getting more and more like a baby~ so excited every time going for a checkup to see how much he has changedh_heart04.gif


Another 4 weeks later..


Prenatal check-up baby 25 weeks6th prenatal checkup on 29 May 2012
25 weeks 4 days

p_futaba.gif Little-big-boss moved so much that the doc could hardly capture a clear scan at all..face3_kao17.gif And his face was facing the other way..face3_kao17.gif What was clearly seen on this checkup was..

Prenatal check-up illustration 25 weeksHis FOOTmark3_sign01.gifface3_kao09.gif

Kinda cute..h_heart09.gif And this is one of the foot that keep kicking me nowadays face2_catface.gif


Checkup once in 4 weeks has changed to once in 2 weeks starting from 26 weeks of pregnancy yb_hospital2.gif
Time flies!! This makes me feel like little-big-boss is coming out to see us very very soon!!! h_sweat01.gifh_sweat01.gifh_sweat01.gif
And so, another 2 weeks passes by..


Prenatal check-up baby 28 weeks7th prenatal checkup on 15 June 2012
28 weeks 0 day
Estimate weight: 1221g

p_futaba.gif Doc said his weight is just good face3_kao06.gif At this point, I myself gained around 5kg a2_up.gif
Little-big-boss moved a lot here again but was able to captured at least..
Prenatal check-up illustration 28 weeksHis HANDmark3_sign01.gifface3_kao09.gif

Scans these days could only capture part of his body..h_sweat02.gif But this is also a sign which shows that little-big-boss is growing big healthily~face_shy.gifh_heart04.gif

Had my 2nd blood test on this checkup to check for blood glucose level.
Was asked to drink this sweet carbonated drink and wait for an hour with no other food or drink before the blood sucking session~face3_kao19.gif

Sweet carbonated drink for blood test

Didn’t know that I have to have 3 blood tests for this pregnancy..face3_kao17.gif in Japan. There’s one more to go weeks later.. *Do not really like the sensation of blood being sucked..face3_kao26.gif


29 weeks tummy in HakoneTummy this big from outside on my 29 weeks (22 June 2012) of pregnancy~face_self-conscious_smile.gif 
Picture taken near the hotel we were staying in Hakone.
A holiday on my parents-in-law’s treath_heart08.gif

I actually haven’t really get a big round baby bump still..
Only this picture, maybe the angle, makes it look quite round and bigger face3_kao07.gif

03 July 2012 | No Comments » |

Category:my little-big-boss

Little-big-boss growing fast in my tummy! 4th prenatal checkup
★2012/06/25 23:13

Little-big-boss sure is growing fastmark3_sign01.gif

From a bean-like baby f_been.gif forming into a human-like baby day by day so rapidly h_f01.gif  

Scan a2_down.gif taken 2 months ago h_note.gif



Prenatal check-up baby 17 weeks 14th prenatal checkup on 3 April 2012
17 weeks 4 days
Head size: 2.1cm
Estimate size from head to bottom: 6cm 

p_futaba.gif Doc said the size above could be 17 weeks 1 day, a lil’ bit smaller than the size it should be for 17 weeks 4 days face2_catface.gif 
Prenatal check-up illustration 17 weeks 1This is what the scan shows~h_heart09.gif Head has grown so muchmark3_sign01.gif Cannot fit the whole body into one scan anymore face2_catface.gifh_sweat02.gif 
*Don’t really know the one sticking out at the bottom was the baby leg or umbilical cord..face3_kao17.gif

Normally on 15 weeks onward, some may get to know whether the baby’s a boy face5_boy.gifh_hatena03.gif  or a girl face5_girl.gifh_hatena01.gif IF the baby is in a good position where you get a good view of it face2_smile.gif but still usually could not be 100% sure on a scan.

And here’s mine~face_self-conscious_smile.gif



Prenatal check-up baby 17 weeks 24th prenatal checkup on 3 April 2012
17 weeks 4 days

Good view eh? Straight from the bottom face2_smile.gif haha

p_futaba.gif Doc said, “something in between the legs..might be a boy..” 
after a few more looks on the ultrasound screen, doc said again, “hmm..the more I look at it, the more to me that it’s a boy!” ..face2_catface.gif so funny when the doc describes it h_sweat02.gif
Prenatal check-up illustration 17 weeks 2There is something sticking out in between..face2_coldsweats01.gif 
But can’t be too sure yet.. coz that might be the umbilical cord or something still face3_kao20.gif 

Though the doc, Yasu and I, all think that little-big-boss is a boy face3_kao25.gifh_bikkuri02.gif hoho

I have a cousin sister when she was in her mom’s tummy, doc kept saying that it’s a boy and everybody was so shocked when she was born as a girlmark3_sign03.gifface3_kao17.gif 

Things just happened face3_kao20.gif

Anyway, since on my 16 weeks 5 days (28 March 2012), I think I felt little-big-boss movingmark3_sign01.gif Not a strong one, so can’t be too sure.. but on this 4th checkup, saw him moved for the first time on the screen face_self-conscious_smile.gif so excited h_heart04.gif 

Since then, felt him more and more..and more~face_shy.gifh_heart08.gif


25 June 2012 | No Comments » |

Category:my little-big-boss

Convenient baby apps on my iPhone :)
★2012/04/14 23:26

The Smart Phone generation now helps a lot with great appsicon:mark3_sign01icon:h_kira02

Been searching for a good and convenient baby/pregnancy apps, tried out a few and finally decided on using “Ninpu memo” (妊婦メモ). Though this is only available in Japanese, this app is cute and easy icon:face3_kao07. (scroll down to see another app that I’m using – that’s in English icon:face3_kao07)


妊婦メモ アプリ メニュー

Main Menu
メインメニューはこんな感じ icon:p_tulip

妊婦メモ アプリ 日数Before the main menu, this will showed up everyday to tell you the days of your pregnancy.
Love the special messages on some occasion like when you’re entering a new weekicon:h_shine or when there’s only 150 days left to meet your babyicon:h_shine icon:face_self-conscious_smile


妊婦メモ アプリ カレンダーThe calendar with icons.

アイコンを自由に付けられるカレンダーicon:h_heart_shake アイコンの数はそこまでないけど。。icon:h_sweat02

妊婦メモ アプリ 日記Fun to note down everything that never happened before icon:h_kira01 Some wonderful feeling icon:face_shy The movement icon:face_shy The rapid growth icon:face_shy


妊婦メモ アプリ 体重グラフWeight graph. Diet controlling icon:face3_kao17
Standard people ( BMI 18.5 ~ 25.0) has to gain approximately 7~12kgs throughout the whole pregnancy..
Slim people ( < BMI 18.5) should gain around 9~12kgs,
fatter people ( > BMI 25.0) should gain around 5kgs or less accordingly..
(icon:a2_up2according to a book I was reading*anyhow, in every condition you have to check with your doc!)

My case, I think I’ll have to gain around 8kgs..icon:f_f_bananaicon:f_f_cherryicon:f_breadicon:f_noodleicon:f_f_apple

ヤセの人(BMI 18.5 未満)は、9~12kg 増やす icon:h_bikkuri04
フツーの人(BMI 18.5 以上 25.0未満)は、7~12kg 増やすicon:h_bikkuri03
ヒマンの人(BMI 25.0 以上)は、5kg くらいicon:h_bikkuri02

私は、だいたい8kg の増加を目指そうかな~icon:f_kinoko02icon:f_f_cherry3icon:f_medamayakiicon:f_riceballicon:f_beenicon:an_fish

icon:o_flair Weight (kg) 体重 ÷ Height (m) 身長 ÷ Height (m) 身長 = Your BMI icon:o_flair

妊婦メモ アプリ アドバイスDetails and information on changes to the mother, to the baby, and advices according to different levels of pregnancy icon:face_shy

ママの様子、赤ちゃんの様子とアドバイスicon:face_shy これいいでしょ~ icon:face_self-conscious_smile

The app icon:a2_down2
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ninpumemo/id490176157?mt=8
Google play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.senshukai.ninpumemo


Besides that, I’m using another app in English too just for the reading and info icon:face3_kao20icon:h_kira02

My Pregnancy Today by BabyCenter

BabyCenter app CalendarThe calendar icon:h_shine Everyday there will be a piece to read icon:face3_kao06
Very nice with detailed information and images about the baby throughout your pregnancy icon:face3_kao25

BabyCenter app DetailsThe details icon:h_shine

BabyCenter app ImageThe image icon:h_shine

BabyCenter app MovieAnd most of all, the movies provided icon:face_self-conscious_smileicon:h_heart04

Can just imagine how’s my lil’-big-boss doing inside watching these movies~icon:h_shineicon:o_v_movie

Movies are available to watch here too though icon:face3_kao07

The app icon:a2_down2
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/my-pregnancy-today/id386022579?mt=8
Google play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.babycenter.pregnancytracker&hl=en

More of everything, just go to their original official siteicon:a2_down2


There’s another app – “BabyBump” recommended by friend, Joane icon:h_shine

BabyBump app

This is great too but since I was using the Japanese one to note down everything, I pass this out. And this app uses inches / pounds for measurement,..icon:face3_kao19 I am more familiar to centimeters / kilograms..icon:face3_kao20

The app icon:a2_down2
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/babybump-pregnancy-pro-pregnancy/id332366275?mt=8
Google play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alt12.babybumpfree&hl=en

14 April 2012 | No Comments » |

Category:my little-big-boss
