Kindergarten Artwork Exhibition 作品展★2017/03/10 11:39
Our booklet’ticket to Little-big-boss Uto’s kindergarten Artworks Exhibition
(Cover page drawn by Little-big-boss Uto, which means everybody has a different design of their own booklet )
And here we are, the big event of 3rd semester, the Artwork Exhibition
an exhibition of artworks that all the students have made since from the 1st semester
The kids’ works was great
The display that had been put up together with the teachers was even more amazing!!
I mean their creativeness and hard work had me in awe, which was seriously over my expectation!
All the artworks basically were made by papers and recycle stuffs (bottles, plastic bags, card boards, Styrofoam trays, straws, etc)
Every year in Little-big-boss Uto’s kindergarten, they have different theme to display.
This year we had
Seasons (Spring, Rainy season, Summer, Autumn, Winter) as theme for displaying all the kids artworks of the year,
Shopping street at the hall as theme for displaying artworks which were made together with their respective parents/guardians.
My summary of the exhibition
Artworks made by 1st year (3-4 years old)
Little-big-boss Uto is in 1st year, so we have his works in every of the season for 1st year display
Spring 春
(Little-big-boss Uto’s work the caterpillar
Rainy season 梅雨
(Little-big-boss Uto’s work the teruteru bozu
Summer 夏
(Little-big-boss Uto’s work the fish
Autumn 秋
(Little-big-boss Uto’s work the squirrel
Winter 冬
(Little-big-boss Uto’s work the angel
Artworks made by 2nd year (4-5 years old)
Artworks made by 3rd year (5-6 years old)
Winter 冬
Shopping street 商店街
– Artworks were made by kids together with their parents/guardians.
– Display by teachers (maybe a little part together with the kids )
By 1st year
Little-big-boss Uto’s class theme .
So, Little-big-boss Uto and I had a little discussion, and settled on making a Pikachu hamburger
By 2nd year
Festival stalls
By 3rd year
Hats & Caps
Stationery shop
Toys shop
This exhibition was so dearly satisfying.
There were so much to see and big enough to have us spending 4 hours all together in 2 days of visit
Thank you teachers
10 March 2017 | No Comments » |
Category:my little-big-boss