Smoothy, HAIR-less pussy arouses men★2009/07/22 14:55
We all know that most girls, maybe not, but surely it was a trend for glam girls and celebrities or idols to have their V-zone trimmed.
However, when time moves trend changes!
Most celebrities are now into PERMANENT EPILATION (permanent hair-removal).
You might think,
“V-zone would be just enough! Why bother?”
“I’m not a celebrity wearing so little and have my life just worrying about hair sticking out from my pants!”
“Euuwww, no hair like a pig???”
You are wrong!
Celebrity would not think this way because they live for the perfect.And, these are the reasons!
Reason No.1
*Hair-less is more pretty and that’s what celebrities are meant to be!*
Celebrities aim to be perfect. If not, who’s going to watch them as a star but a medocrity commoner ?
Since ancient times, as you can see in the musuem of an art gallery, hair are not to be seen in pictures of naked women. Why? Because they believed that a beauty shouldn’t be covered with hair. It is just like women shaving their under-arm’s hair for beauty.
Since the old age, women wanted to be away from their body hair, and now history repeats.Celebrities who leads trend, no matter in fashion or mentally,they need to be perfect. They need to be different, and people follow.
Therefore, a permanent hair-removal is ideal for them.
Reason No.2*
Typically reason. Hair sticking out from your bikini??? That’s tacky!*
As I’ve mentioned, celebrities have to be perfect.
Why again? Coz millions of eyes are watching them so closely, that not a lil’ tit-bit of flaws are tolerable for there are no rewind button for them. ‘Media kills’. Agree?
Why is shaving not secured enough? First of all, shaving damage and leave trails on your skin.Secondly, hair do not grow at the same time. Some may come out from your skin sooner than you might expected. There’s chance where the hair sticking from your pants!
As a celebrity, tacky incident like that is unforgiven!
Therefore, a permanent hair-removal is ideal for them.
Reason No.3
*Dropping hairs are disgusting and embarassing!*
Since celebrities have to be perfect, their rooms have to be perfect as well!
I bet everyone is hell annoyed by hair-dropping all the way in your living, kitchen, sink, and bedroom!!! You pick, pick, pick and you clean, clean and clean and there are still hairs!!! Head hair is annoying but pubic hair is disgusting! If it’s your own’s hair, it is embarassing!!!
For celebrities, interviews, parties, or dates are essential.Any pubic hair found, the image being a star will be all shattered!A celebrity shall be perfect.
Therefore, permanent hair-removal is ideal for them.
Reason No.4
*A beauty even in nude*
As you know now, celebrities have to be perfect.
When a celebrity grows old, white hairs grows…(><; They can always dye their hair, but maybe not down there. Well, I’m not sure about whether they’re gonna dyeing it or not… However, no matter how perfect a celebrity is, they’re not able to win over ‘aging‘.It’s pretty depressing one day if you found one white hair growing down there. (-_-)
So, might as well give it on a permanent epilation rather than dyeing them.Without them, you wouldn’t think and won’t be depressed!
Celebrities are perfect.They shouldn’t have ‘white pubic hair’.
Therefore, permanent hair-removal is ideal for them.
Kate Winslet wax them all too and she needs to wear a pubic wig for her shooting in ‘The Reader’! Click*
But hey, hey, hey~~~!
This story is not just for the celebrity!It seems like the trend has strike the new generation girls!
Permanent epilation is not an unusual phenomenon which is attributed only to celebrities anymore. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), one of the high-technology method used for permanent epilation claimed to have lesser damage to your skin than the traditional way.
Pretty girls should be perfect from any flaws!
Pretty girls should have smooth, delicate skin and free from the masculinized body hair!
A lil’ while ago, waxing -> the razor blade -> hair removal cream -> ouch-ing’ electric epilator ->
and now, the time has arrived for a permanent hair-removal – Intense Pulse Light (IPL)!
Oooh, I just remembered when I see my entry title that I left out one more reason!
Here it is.
Reason No.5
*Smoothy-no-hair makes you feel attractive and sexy, while your men feel attacky and crazy~!*
Cut cut
trim trim
Pictures taken at One Utame PJ, Malaysia. Click to enlarge*
This is just a joke* (^0^;)
The card-board man was actually a point-card advert signboard of the shopping complex. (^^;
The original picture~
Have a nice day!(^0^*)
22 July 2009 | 2 Comments » |
Category:harupi episodes
I prefer hair.
I guess the majority still prefer hair…(^^;